Tuesday, April 1, 2008

90 Fit Challenge

90 Days to make a change.

90 days to trim off the fat, gain lean muscle mass and maybe add years to my life.

90 days...

I have made the commitment and will win this challenge.

I have watched others before me transform their lives...

Everything is set in place for such a time as this.

We have a plan.

We have personal trainers to help us along the way to encourage and motivate.

We have the best products for nutrition and weight management; Trim Advantage and Nutrilite.
We have the support of a team of IBOs all running the race together.

Today I will weigh in, set my goal and begin this 90 day journey to a leaner, stronger more confident, productive me.


Freedom2Blog said...

Pilates. Talk about a workout. I can hardly move afterwards. I could not cough or laugh for three days... evidence that my stomach muscles got a good workout!

It feels so good to be back in the element of taking care of me!

I have two goals:

Short term goal:

September 13th is my son's wedding!! I want to look fabulous!

Long term goal:

I am rounding the corner and can see "50" in the distance -- I do not want to tip toe towards it, I want to slide in sideways and leave a trail of dust behind me!!

The 90 day challenge is the kick start towards those goals!


Freedom2Blog said...

The 'official' start date is April 21st and I am feeling good and ready to hit the ground running!

We have another blog set up for team members to challenge and encourage one another.

It kicks off with a 2day super start -- a de-tox - fast -- utilizing only necessary proteins and detoxifing herbs. no exercise allowed these two days!

This week I have kept a journal on my meals - and my workouts - I got measured, had my body fat calculated and found out what my resting heart rate is and a plan for my workouts has been laid out.

Success is only determined now by my participation.